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six realms中文是什么意思

用"six realms"造句"six realms"怎么读"six realms" in a sentence


  • 六道


  • She is doing smoke offering everynight to the beings in the six realm
  • And there are countless sentient beings in the whole universe . six realms you are offering to
  • One of her dharma friend advised her not to use such strong one to offer especially to the beings in the six realm because that may be very sentive or hurt them
  • The blessings of he who has become a monk or allowed others to become a monk far exceed the blessings of he who , by means of the virtue of charity , has possessed wealth for ten lifetimes , or of he who has been born for many thousands of ages among the six realms of the gods .
用"six realms"造句  
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